Introducing Solutionz

The heart of Solutionz is to educate and install hope and healing to adults abused in one form or another through predominately adverse childhood experiences.

Research shows that these adverse life experiences have shaped and hardwired negative thinking patterns that manifest in antisocial behaviour detrimental to the individual, the family and the wider community.


The catalyst for change is creating a learning environment that encourages and nurtures positive thinking to break the cycle of negative thinking that influences everything we do.

Solutionz main focus is changing the way we think and respond to our environmental by endowing our people to use their minds in a constructive and productive way to control their behaviour  and interact positively with their family and the wider community.

Taha Tinana

Physcial Health

The Capacity for Physical growth and development.  

Good physical health is required for optimal development.  Those involved in Grace Foundation have many different opportunities to develop physical growth.

Some of our programs
  • Muay Thai
  • Chainz Fitness
  • Grace Box Fit 
  • Gym Fitness
  • Physical Activity Outings

Taha Wairua

Spiritual Health

Exploring our relationships with the environment, people and heritage in the past, present and future. Spiritual essence, your life force – your mauri. The essence of who and what you are, where you have come from and where you are going.

Grace acknowledges the importance of exploring deeper connections and promotes the exploration of feeling comfortable in your identity, values and beliefs and standing strong in who you are and what you stand for.

Taha Whanau

Family Health

Extended relationships, who makes you feel you belong, who you care about and who you share your life with. Building a sense of purpose and connection and assisting as a core source of strength, support, security and identity within overall wellbeing.

Grace strongly encourages the restoration of whanau and have aligned our programs to support our people accordingly. Rehabilitation, reconnection, restoration.

Taha Hinengaro

Healthy Mind

The mind, heart, conscience, thoughts and feelings. Strengthening the mind to better cope and manage the ebb and flow of life is pivotal. The mind is to be nurtured. Grace recognizes this and has implemented initiatives and programs such as Soulutionz that focuses on the way we think and respond to our environment, control our behaviour and interact positively with family and the wider community.

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”

– Phillipians 4:13

Let’s talk.

Do you have any questions? If so, please don’t hesitate to reach out by filling out our contact form. We would be happy to assist you in any way possible.

P. 0508 447 223


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